Who's the most fascinating person of the past year? You'll find out tonight as BARBARA WALTERS presents her ABC-TV special, The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2007. Right off the bat, we'll tell you that BRITNEY SPEARS and LINDSAY LOHAN are not on Barbara's list, no matter how endlessly fascinating their antics this year have been. Barbara explains, "We tried to have people who accomplished something positive."

The folks who did make the special include JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, Grey's Anatomy star KATHERINE HEIGL, Oscar winner JENNIFER HUDSON, former president BILL CLINTON, radio host DON IMUS, soccer star DAVID BECKHAM and his wife VICTORIA "POSH SPICE" BECKHAM, MySpace founders TOM ANDERSON and CHRIS DEWOLFE, and Venezuelan president HUGO CHAVEZ. As for the MOST fascinating person of 2007, it's a surprise, and Barbara will only
say the person is, quote, "not an American."

The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2007 airs tonight on ABC-TV, starting at 10pm ET.
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