Friday, November 9, 2007

Go Guv!

The Terminator wants to see an end to the writers' strike. California Governor ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER says he's hoping to facilitate a compromise between the Writers Guild of America and TV and film producers. The actor-turned-politician said yesterday, quote, "I'm talking to the parties that are involved because I think it's very important that we settle that as quickly as possible, because it has a tremendous economic impact on our state." Schwarzenegger didn't elaborate on the nature of the talks.

The strike began on Monday, with writers asking for compensation for digital programming. More celebrities joined their cause yesterday -- ROBIN WILLIAMS, JULIANNE MOORE, and DAVID DUCHOVNY were among the stars spotted on picket lines in New York. On the West Coast, former Everybody Loves Raymond co-stars RAY ROMANO and PATRICIA HEATON provided food to strikers.

The conflict has interfered with the production of several TV shows, including ABC's Desperate Housewives and NBC's The Office. Lost co-creator DAMON LINDELOF tells E! Online the show's fourth season will be shortened to eight completed episodes, beginning in February, for now. The season had been scheduled to include 16 episodes.

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