Thursday, November 15, 2007

Should she stay or should she go?

Tonight on CSI, Sara Sidle says good-bye. Actress JORJA FOX is leaving the hit series after being with it from the beginning over seven years ago. She says she needed to take a step back after starring in seven-plus seasons of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Fox says, quote, "I think if the show was only going to go for another year or two, I would have definitely stayed the course, but I think it could go on another decade and I was like, "Whoa, I gotta breathe for a minute."

Fox has had a stormy tenure on CSI -- for example, she was fired in 2004 during contract negotiations, only to be rehired later on. In tonight's episode, airing at 9 p.m. Eastern time on CBS, Sidle comes across a suspect from her past.

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